Wedding Album Directions
Albums handcrafted in Italy
To inform me of the images you'd like to include in your wedding album, please access your online gallery, “like” or “heart” the desired photos for the album, and then send them over to me. Using a computer is more convenient than using a mobile device for this task. I have added a video at the bottom of this page showing how to create and share a favorites list. If you also had engagement and or bridal portraits taken you may also add those to your album. You can also opt for me to select all the album images on your behalf.
The following is the amount of images I need to know for placement into your wedding album. If you need to add extra pages it is $100 for each set of 10 pages added.
How many images should I select?
30 pages = 70 images
40 pages = 85 images
50 pages = 100 images
60 pages = 115 images
70 pages = 130 images
80 pages = 145 images
90 pages = 160 images
100 pages = 175 images
110 pages - 190 images
Please email the following information:
The size of album and number of pages you have chosen.
Your preferred names for debossing on the cover (e.g., Jeff & Sarah Smith, Jeffrey and Sarah, Jeff and Sarah Smith, The Smiths, etc.).
The wedding date format for debossing on the cover (e.g., September 4, 2023, 9-4-23, etc.).
Specify the cover type you desire by referring to the full code located ABOVE the cover of your choice (please see the cover options pictured below).
If you wish to include an Italian briefcase and/or parent book copies, kindly indicate your preference (details and pricing available in the photos below). Parent copies are exact duplicate hardback books of the album (If you want a leather album duplicate please notify and I will quote a discounted price for a second copy).
After I've designed your album, you will receive an email with a link to review and approve the layout before proceeding with print production.
Christmas Deadline: To ensure your album arrives in time for Christmas, please provide me with this information by October 15th.
I put together this short video to show you how to create your favorites list within your online gallery - Youtube Create Favorites List